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Through Jesus, light of the world, we ignite the spark of curiosity, creativity and individuality. 

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Statement of Intent

PSHE Teaching and Learning Approach

Jigsaw is sequential, the six puzzles (units) starting with 'Being Me in My World' (BM) at the beginning of the school year and working through to the end of the year. Each puzzle consists of six progessive lessons that develop across the year groups, from Reception to Year 6.

Puzzle 1. Being Me in My World: 'Who am I and how do I fit?'

Puzzle 2. Celebrating Difference: Respect for similarity and difference. Anti-bullying and being unique

Puzzle 3. Dreams and Goals: Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this

Puzzle 4. Healthy Me: Being and keeping safe and healthy

Puzzle 5. Relationships: Building positive, healthy relationships

Puzzle 6. Changing Me: Coping positively with change

Our puzzles are then complimented by our Safeguarding planning, ensuring all children know how to keep themselves safe in a variety of ways.

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