Through Jesus, light of the world, we ignite the spark of curiosity, creativity and individuality.
Statement of Intent
At Killinghall, we aim to give children access to critical information about themselves and others in a safe and controlled environment. Children are given the opportunity to learn about topics and to use this knowledge effectively. We encourage respect and the understanding of universal rights for everybody. We aim to promote children’s knowledge, emotional resilience and self-esteem and help them to form positive relationships. It is important that all children understand the importance of wellbeing and how to keep themselves and those around them safe.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. At Killinghall, we aim to give children access to critical information about themselves and others in a safe and controlled environment. Children are given the opportunity to learn about topics and to use this knowledge effectively. We encourage respect and the understanding of universal rights for everybody. We aim to promote children’s knowledge, emotional resilience and self-esteem and help them to form positive relationships. It is important that all children understand the importance of wellbeing and how to keep themselves and those around them safe.
Teachers are best placed to understand the needs of their pupils and so, alongside our Jigsaw programme, we equip pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. Jigsaw has clear topics that are built on each year, giving the children age-appropriate knowledge that they can use at school and beyond. At Killinghall, we provide children with appropriate vocabulary and understanding of these different topics. Our PSHE Curriculum teaches children how to be mindful and when to use it as a tool for success. We strive to enusre PSHE is a time for sharing and respecting others’ opinions, thoughts and differences.
Our curriculum makes clear links with the PSHE Association Programme of PSHE and covers the three core themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world. Staff ensure contextual issues are addressed and supply children with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves safe when growing up in their immediate community and beyond.
Overall, PSHE at Killinghall allows our children to be respectful, resilient learners who can listen effectively and be understanding of the world around them. Our inclusive curriculum engages all children, regardless of their starting points, and entitles all children to the same quality of teaching and learning opportunities.
PSHE Teaching and Learning Approach
Jigsaw is sequential, the six puzzles (units) starting with 'Being Me in My World' (BM) at the beginning of the school year and working through to the end of the year. Each puzzle consists of six progessive lessons that develop across the year groups, from Reception to Year 6.
Puzzle 1. Being Me in My World: 'Who am I and how do I fit?'
Puzzle 2. Celebrating Difference: Respect for similarity and difference. Anti-bullying and being unique
Puzzle 3. Dreams and Goals: Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this
Puzzle 4. Healthy Me: Being and keeping safe and healthy
Puzzle 5. Relationships: Building positive, healthy relationships
Puzzle 6. Changing Me: Coping positively with change
Our puzzles are then complimented by our Safeguarding planning, ensuring all children know how to keep themselves safe in a variety of ways.
Useful Websites
NSPCC Children’s charity Website
NHS support about keeping your family healthy
Advice for parents about bullying
Advice for parents about cyberbullying
Resources to support at home