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Welcome to Year 1

 Through the light of Jesus, we strive, we share, we shine. 

Hello and welcome to our Year 1 Class Page. Here you will find lots of useful information about our class and our learning! 

Curriculum Overview

Our half-termly curriculum overviews give parents information about what we will be learning, along with suggestions to help your child at home:

Our Year 1 Team

Miss Taylor teaches on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs Pritchard-Jenkins teaches on a Thursday and Friday.

Mrs Sunderland is our teaching assistant. 

Mrs Linfoot teaches Music on Wednesday mornings. 

Miss Bunn teaches PE on Friday afternoons.

A Typical Day

Children come into school at 8:45am and complete a short morning task linked to our English or Maths. We start the day with a Phonics lesson followed by English, we love reading and exploring stories together. We then have our first breaktime outside with the option of having milk and a snack! After break we have our maths lesson which is often practical and filled with lots of hands on learning! We have lunch time in the hall together at 12pm. In the afternoons, we complete a range of wider curriculum learning including science, music, PSHE, RE, history or geography, PE and computing. Our school day finishes at 3:30pm. There is also a daily act of Collective Worship, usually in the morning. After school, there are various school clubs and wraparound care options to choose from.  

Useful Links

Oxford Owl (Reading) - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/

Phonics Play - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources

Top Marks (Maths) - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?q=year%201%20maths

Sum Dog (Maths) https://play.sumdog.com/student/sign_in

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