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New Starter Information


Here at Killinghall CE Primary, we believe all children in our school community should be given the best possible start in their learning and education.

When your child sets off for their first day at our school, they should be full of positive emotions –  confident, happy and excited to start their school journey. This happens if they know exactly where they are going, who will be there, what they will be able to do when they get there and how long they will be staying there. Getting the transition right means children settle quickly into school, learning and developing from day one, so we work closely with families as partners and our local pre-schools to ensure we know the children well as individuals before they begin their journey of learning with us.  

Our aim is to make sure that your children build a positive relationship with the adults in the setting right from the start and builds friendships with the children coming to our school  We therefore start our transition activities in the summer term before your child starts school. 

To help give your child the smoothest transition possible, we offer the following:

  • Parent meeting in the first 2 weeks in September, a one to one meeting in school with you.  This will give you a chance to get to know us and for us get to know you, thus starting our home / school relationship on a positive footing. This visit is crucial for building a relationship with families, a time to exchange information and a further opportunity to gain a better understanding of your child.

  • Visits and or discussions with feeder nurseries and preschool settings about your child.

  • One to one additional support meeting if your child has  SEND

  • Three half day visits in the summer term before the summer holidays. During one of the sessions, parents are invited to join us for school lunch.
  • Induction booklets – these include pictures of your child’s teaching team, classroom, where we hang our coats, where we go to the toilet and where we eat our lunch. 

  • Parent information session and meet and greet sessions during the summer term before your child starts school.   During the first few weeks and first months of being full-time, we will gradually introduce the children to the routines and expectations of being in our reception class, slowly adding different parts of the curriculum so that have time to process and get used to anything new. With all this in mind, we hope that all the children feel settled and happy, so that they are ready and confident to move through Autumn Term and the rest of the school year. 
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