Our Governing Body
Chair of Governors - Rachel Joyce
The Governors are responsible for the strategic direction of the school and promote highs standards of educational achievement. The governing body establishes the school's vision and aims within an agreed policy framework. The governing body works closely with the headteacher to agree the school improvement strategy, ensuring that plans and policies are in place and are effective. The governing body monitors and evaluates the work of the school by reviewing the performance of the headteacher, challenging and supporting the promotion of high standards. The governing body is responsible for ensuring that the school budget is used effectively and that financial records are accurate. Governors promote the interests of the school and take opportunities to share in its successes. In order to do all of this, governors need to gain knowledge through training, by attending meetings, reading a wealth of information, and regularly visiting the school. Governors need to work together as a team, under the leadership of the Chair of Governors. At Killinghall we are fortunate to have a very strong and dedicated team of governors who all work hard, continually looking at ways in which the school can improve further.
The body has three primary responsibilities:-
- To ensure there is clarity of vision and strategic direction for the school.
- Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of the staff.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school making sure its money is well spent.
The Governing Body of Killinghall CE Primary School is made up of 10 Governors, made up as follows:
2 Parent Governors |
Must be a parent of a child at the school, and not employed at the school or an elected member of the Local Authority. They are elected by parents and should represent their views. |
1 Local Authority Governor |
They are appointed by the Local Authority, but cannot be anyone who is also eligible to be a Staff Governor. |
1 Staff Governor |
This person should be a member of staff, elected by their colleagues, but with a free vote on all issues. |
1 Headteacher Staff Governor |
This post is filled by the Headteacher |
2 Foundation Governors | The Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocese, but cannot be anyone who is eligible to be a Staff Governor. |
3 Co-opted Governors |
This can be any type of Governor and are appointed based on the skills needed within the governing body. |
Key Documents
If you have any concerns about the school or an idea for its development, please share it with a Governor or the Headteacher via admin@killinghall.n-yorks.sch.uk
Parents are encouraged to raise matters with their child’s class teacher in the first instance, or to the Headteacher or Assistant Heads. Subsequently, any parent wishing to raise a matter with a member of the Board should do so by emailing the Chair of Governors, Rachel Joyce, at cofg@killinghall.n-yorks.sch.uk