Year 4 class page
Welcome to Year 4!
"Through the light of Jesus, we strive, we share, we shine."
Hello and welcome to our Year 4 Class Page. Here you will find out lots of information about how our classroom works, what we get up to each day, and you can even view some photographs of our learning.
A typical day
The school day starts at 8.45am and children independently complete a short morning task linked to an area of our learning. Our mornings generally focus on Spelling, Writing and Maths, and our Wider Curriculum is planned for an afternoon. After registration, we have a 20 minute session on maths fluency. Due to the upcoming times table assessment, our focus up until this is times table recall. The children have opportunities for outdoor play, milk and snack each day. Cool Milk subscriptions for children aged 5+ can be set up via school office
Curriculum Overview
Year 4’s half-termly curriculum overviews will appear below. These will give you information about the topics which we will be learning as well as some suggestions to help with your child at home.
Our Staff
Miss Marshall is the Year 4 Class Teacher. Mrs Sands and Mrs Linfoot cover PPA teaching music, French and maths. We are fortunate to have wonderful teaching assistants in the form of Mrs Rushworth, Miss Anderson, Mr Crabtree and Mr Turner- Smithson.
Useful Links
Top Marks Daily 10 – Times tables and maths activities.
Hit the Button – Times tables and maths activities.
URBrainy – Practise, Timed Multiplication Check
Our timetable
Here is our weekly timetable for spring 1:
Autumn Term Review
The Autumn term has been a busy and rewarding time for Year 4, filled with lots of creativity and hard work. From exciting projects and trips to memorable battling through the various bugs that went through the school before Christmas, Year 4 should be really proud of all the hard work they achieved.
This term, our learning journey has taken us through a wide range of exciting topics. In English, we wrote narrative pieces based on the class book Journey. Pupils wrote their own text to accompany the wordless story and beautiful illustration using a range of punctuation including prepositional phrases, inverted commas and subordinating conjunctions. They even 'published' their stories by creating beautiful front covers and binding their finished pieces together.
We also had great fun writing explanation texts for a fabulous machine in Willy Wonka's factory and crafting rich, descriptive pieces about the magical chocolate room.
Art, music, and design have been big parts of the term. The children created beautiful William Morris botanical themed prints and sang wonderfully in the end of term Christingle concert. In DT, they flexed their designer brains and made brilliant moving recycling posters to encourage the school community to recycle responsibly.