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Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 class page.

Curriculum Overview

A Typical Day

The school day starts at 8.45am and children independently complete a short morning task linked to English or Maths. Our mornings generally focus on Spelling, Writing and Maths, and our Wider Curriculum is planned for an afternoon.

Cool Milk subscriptions for children aged 5+ can be set up via school office. We have 2 break times; one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Roles & Responsibilities

In Year 6, children vote for their house captains and they assist in running house events throughout the year. Each half term, pupils can also apply for assigned roles and responsibilities in the every day life of the school. Four children have the opportunity, each term, to become part of our Leading Lights team and these pupils work closely with Mrs Besharati to work together to make improvements to our school and community. Children earn responsibilty coins for their work and these are converted to house points each week.


Miss Holtom, Class Teacher

Miss Clements and Mrs Rushworth also work in our class. 

In the first and last half term, we take the children swimming at Ripon pool.

Year 6 SATs

We hold a parents information evening during the Autumn term to provide information to parents about what the SATs entail and how you can best support your child with their preparations for them. In the Spring term, parents also have the opportunity to take part in a SATs workshop with their children. We run SATs booster clubs throughout the year.

Useful Links

Topmarks: maths games. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?Subject=16&AgeGroup=3

Maths genie: free access to old SATs papers and answers, sorted by category: https://www.mathsgenie.co.uk/primary.html

Maths bot: free to access resource which marks and generates questions based on the arithmetic paper: https://mathsbot.com/primary/ks2

Grammar monster: Free lessons and resources aimed at SPaG style questions: https://www.grammar-monster.com/index.html

Corbett Maths: Useful website with links to youtube videos to explain concepts, questions and answers. https://corbettmaths.com/primary/ Mathsisfun: Website explaining concepts in an easy way. https://www.mathsisfun.com/

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