Funtime Zone
We run a daily breakfast club from 7:45am. Children are given a choice of breakfast items and an opportunity to play or chill out with their friends. Places are limited and should be booked via Arbor. Breakfast Club is run by our interim Wraparound Care Managers, Miss Jackson and Mrs Helm.
We also run a daily after school club from 3:30pm - 4:30pm or 5:30pm. Children in our after school have a range of activities to choose from such as a lego station, a role play area, a homework space, and a construction area. At 5:00pm, children are served food and may choose to relax by watching a child-friendly TV programme or film, or read quietly. Places are limited and should be booked via Arbor. After-school club is run each evening by two members of our learning support team.
For details of prices for our clubs, please see our charging and remissions policy.
Fun Time Zone Menu
Wraparound Care User Guides (For Booking & Payments)
Other After School Clubs
In addition to our wraparound care, we have a number of additional after school clubs which change every half term. Parents and carers are notified of the after-school clubs before the end of half term so they can book their child a place.
Teachers sometimes run an after-school club. Running an after-school club is not part of teacher's pay and conditions; staff run these voluntarily. Therefore, these clubs are free of charge. Clubs we have had over the past year include: choir, gardening, netball, rounders, art, Blue Peter badge, science, board games, story-telling, crafts, running, balance bikes, puzzles, bead workshop, yoga, French, keyboard, ukulele, drama, dance.
Unlike teachers, teaching assistants can be paid overtime to run an after school club, therefore, these will be charged to parents.
We often allow external providers to run after school clubs on our school site. We ensure they have the relevant safeguarding checks. When parents/carers sign up for these after school clubs, you are agreeing for your child to be supervised by these staff. If you have any concerns about an external provider, we would ask that you discuss these with school. However, they all have their own complaints policies and procedures.
Some of the external providers we have in school include: Harrogate Town Football Club, Premier Education, Martial Arts, Atlas Arts Cheerleading Club, Harrogate Theatre Club.