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Religious Education (RE)

Statement of Intent

Through Jesus, light of the world, we ignite the spark of curiosity, creativity and individuality. 

Our Christian Values of love, trust and justice underpin our School Vision and are therefore embedded within our broad, balanced, inclusive curriculum. 

At Killinghall, it is our intent that Religious Education (RE) has a central place within our distinctive curriculum and is seen as a core subject. RE supports children to develop their own sense of belief. We encourage our children to strive by investigating big questions and the answers they provoke, inspiring our children to think deeply. Through learning about different religions, we want our children to go out into the world and not only share their knowledge but consider their place in a world community and the positive difference they can make. RE contributes to the children’s personal development and well-being and to community cohesion by promoting mutual respect in the diverse society in which we live. Finally, our RE lessons give children an opportunity to reflect, helping them to grow as individuals, encouraging the sense that they can shine and be the beacons of light upholding our values in their future life choices.

The aims of religious education are:

  • To develop children’s knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other world religions and non-faith religions, considering how the beliefs of others impact on their lives and the lives of others.
  • To encourage children to strive, asking and reflecting on open, challenging questions.
  • To share positive contributions that show we respect and understand the different beliefs in our diverse society.
  • To provide opportunities for personal reflection, where children can explore and shine in their own beliefs (not necessarily religious).

RE Teaching and Learning Approach

The RE teaching and learning approach has three core elements, which are woven together to provide breadth and balance within teaching and learning about religions and beliefs. Teaching and learning in the classroom with incorporate all three elements, allowing for overlap between elements as suits the religion, concept and question being explored.

These elements offer a structure through which pupils can encounter diverse religious traditions alongside non-religious worldviews – understanding and appreciating diversity is an important element for children at Killinghall.  

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Examples of Pupils' Work

Coming soon...

Pupil Voice

In a recent pupil survey, all pupils asked said that they enjoy their RE lessons. They all feel that they consider other people's views in lessons and that they receive feedback to know how well they are doing in lessons.

Pupils were also asked about a recent lesson they enjoyed:

Y3 - I enjoyed learning about the book of Genesis and how we need to look after the world. 
Y3 - My favourite lesson was when we learnt about Noah and the ark because he helped all the animals to survive. He was 600 when the flood stopped. God sent a rainbow to show a covenant that he will never flood the earth again. 
Y4 - We were learning about Brahman and the different gods. I enjoyed it because I liked learning about other people's religions and what they believe. 
Y5 - I liked when we made a poster about looking for Jesus and we could put things that is needed for messiah. After that we highlighted what we thought and there was no right or wrong answer.
Y5 - I liked 'why do most Christians believe Jesus is the messiah?'. We got to write a newspaper about when Jesus the messiah was born and it was really exciting. 
Y6 - I really enjoyed our recent humanist lesson where we had to think about what a humanist would say in response to different questions. 
Y6 - Science and religion conflicting or complementary - I liked finding out how the Big Bang and religion could be related. It really made me think.

Reflection area

We are currently in the process of developing an area of the school for our children to have as a quiet reflection and/or prayer space. The room will be called SPACE, which stands for Special Place All Can Enjoy. 

Pupils that would like to use the space for prayer will be invited to bring in religious artefacts, photos or similar to support them with using the space. 

The children will be able to use the space during break times, during sessions with the school's pastoral staff, or external agencies.

Useful Websites

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